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iа.tirаs.ru@gmаil.соm // адрес редакции

Where did money disappear from Transnistria?

Where did the money disappear from Transnistria? The deputy of the Supreme Council of Transnistria Dmitry Soin is asking a question to new leaders of Transnistria: when will we see a systemic purposeful struggle against the most regrettable and catastrophic legacy of the ex-president Igor Smirnov – total corruption and stealing?

English // 13:15, 2 марта 2012 // 5413

President and parliamentaries: begining of a dialogue


Recently an official meeting of President of Transnistria and parliamentarians took place. A meeting duration of three hours was conditioned by a business approach and the common interest of both sides to carry on a dialogue. There have never been such talks in the history of Transnistria and this means positive changes in a democratic dialogue among branches of power. 

English // 15:07, 20 февраля 2012 // 5576

Great Britain getting more interested in Transnistria

англ гостиOn January 21 the meeting of the deputy of the Supreme Council of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party ‘PRORIV!’ Dmitry Soin and the representative of the ‘Memorial Fund of Winston Churchill’, writer Rory MacLean and photographer Nick Danziger was held.

English // 13:47, 24 января 2012 // 5495

Dmitry Soin: We confirmed Petr Stepanoff as prime minister for Transnistria’s sake

Dmitry SoinOn January 18 the meeting of the Supreme Council of Transnistria was held to discuss endorsement of Petr Stepanoff’s candidacy for prime minister. The meeting addressed one single candidate presented by incumbent president of Transnistria Evgueny Shevchuk. The deputy of the Parliament, leader of the ‘PRORIV!’ People’s Democratic Party Dmitry Soin spoke out in support of Petr Stepanoff.

English // 20:42, 19 января 2012 // 6029

Tiraspol playing games: MAFIA is immortal!

playing MAFIAAs ‘Lenta PMR’ news agency reports, on the initiative of the parliamentary, deputy and leader of the movement ‘PRORIV!’ Dmitry Soin a meeting of adepts of the Mafia game took place in Tiraspol on January 5.

English // 19:03, 6 января 2012 // 5900
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