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Checker tournament in “PRORIV!”

English // 18:03, 27 октября 2008 // 2407
 Checker tournament took place in the Higher school of Political Leadership of Ernesto Che Guevara on the 24th  October at 17-00   The main award was the Cup of "PRORIV". Tournament has been devoted to the memory of the ardent revolutionary, an idol of progressive Transniestrian youth, legendary Che. Competitions took place among young men and girls of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" The head judge of the competition was the member of directorate, Vasily Kristinkov. Dmitry Soin, the leader and the ideologist of "PRORIV!" opened the competition! He said: "That fact, that we cultivate intellectual kinds of sports speaks about our position. It means that we make the stale on development of mental abilities of youth, on increase of their professionalism and adaptation to market economy conditions. The person in difference from other live beings is capable to think. Therefore brain training is also a kind of sport. It is probably more difficult and more serious than other kinds of sport. If Che Guevara was alive, he would have supported your aspiration to improve intelligence ".
I was lucky to participate in the tournament. The struggle was very hard. All the participants "fought" up to the end. I was knocked out in the first circle with the score 0-2. But I have lost to the bronze prize-winner of tournament Igor Bojko, as I got later.
Three girls also took part in the competition. They shared the leader board quickly. Elena Chernolutskaja was the winner. The second place got Marina Ezhdina , the third - Svetlana Kushnereva. The tournament between boys became more and more interesting at each match.Valentine Soin took the first place in this persistent struggle. EvgenieAbaby, the winner of the previous tournment, took the second place in this competition. And Igor Bojko took the third place. The winners of this tournment received  the cups and those participants who took the second and the third place received certificates of honour.
So  the  traditional tea drinking was  after this tournment.